Archive for the ‘Food Photography’ Category


Sainsbury’s Magazine – Gluten-free cover star

September 12, 2010

This month Sainsbury’s Magazine has relaunched with a more modern and stylish design to make their recipes easier to follow.

The beautiful cover shot features double chocolate fudge cakes decorated with glossy chocolate ganache and sugared violets from Jane Asher. It’s easy to see why this gorgeous image shot by Jonathan Gregson and styled by Kim Morphew was chosen to be the cover star; the cakes look irresistible.

To my surprise and delight this recipe is gluten-free! At first they appear to be rich floury mud cakes that would be off-limits, but upon closer inspection these are in fact flourless chocolate cakes and the coarse, muddy texture comes courtesy of ground almonds in place of flour. This is a fantastic example of a treat that can be served up to a gathering of coeliacs and wheat-eaters without having to announce that it’s gluten-free.

I can’t publish the recipe as it’s not available online but Sainsbury’s mag is a bargain at £1.40 so I recommend that you race out to get a copy for this recipe alone. Better still, do a shop online at, throw a load of your usual freefrom goodies in the basket and a copy of Sainsbury’s Magazine and have it delivered to your front door.

Well done to Sainsbury’s Magazine for featuring a gluten-free recipe on the cover. Shame you have to flick to page 88 to find out that it’s gluten-free though and a lot of coeliac shoppers will miss this… unless, of course, they are fellow Food Dorks!

*        *        *

If you’re looking for similar flourless cake recipes I can recommend the flourless chocolate cake recipe in Sweet food by Murdoch books. It’s another lovely, nutty cake based on ground hazelnuts but I substitute ground almonds and it is delicious.

Nigella Lawson’s clementine cake is another foolproof gluten-free recipe and is a perfect Christmas treat. Substituting lemons for clementines in this recipe is not so foolproof – it was an unmitigated disaster and not the syrupy lemon drizzle cake I imagined. Still, both versions fill the house with glorious citrus scents.

For more info on the October issue of Sainsbury’s Magazine click here.